Cast Expectations

To be a member of the cast – you need to be aware of the expectations of cast members – please review this list before you consider applying in any given year:

  1. Remain active members of Scouts Queensland or Girl Guides Queensland.
  2. Apply online each year to be part of the Cast which includes providing personal and health information as part of the process.
  3. Attend an audition during the first rehearsal camp in April. Auditions help us to determine suitable roles for each cast member in the years show. 
  4. Agree to participate in the entire season's calendar available on this DDR website (2024 Rehearsal Calendar) involving all rehearsals and camps, and some specialist rehearsals.  Any more than three absences may result in termination of membership with the Revue.
  5. If under 18 – complete travel authority details as part of application process to allow you to travel to and from rehearsals with people who are not your own Parents/Guardians.
  6. Agree to sign in and out at rehearsals in accordance with established procedures.
  7. If over 18 or turning 18 during the season – obtain a Positive Notice for Working with Children (blue card), which must remain current throughout the season.
  8. Agree to take part in one fundraising activity each year (eg. BBQ roster, chocolate box sales, show gates/parking, etc) or pay an additional $30 fundraising levy per cast member.
  9. Agree to promote the show actively to all family members, friends, colleagues and other groups in order to assist with ticket sales.
  10. Aim to coordinate a minimum of 10 ticket sales per cast member (you advise your contacts to provide your name as reference when they make their booking to ensure you reach this target).
  11. Agree to supply the ‘Personal Wardrobe Items’ per the list distributed each year as part of the season (eg. black shoes, white shoes, joggers, personal support and other clothing items).
  12. Agree to abide by a strict season dress code. Shorts must be to the knee in length and pulled up to waist height. Shirts or tops must have sleeves and be long enough that when bending over for dance moves that the shirt still falls below the short/pant waist line. Closed in footwear must be worn at all rehearsals and suitable deodorant applied and available for reapplication.
  13. Agree to adhere to strict social media and personal communication policies implemented at DDR.